Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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they first ask you how you’re feeling, I’m the type of person to just write everything down I think it helps. I’m not much of a talker. And honestly I feel confused… this man I love walked into my life at a time where I needed someone the most. He made me feels things I’ve never felt before. He ended up living with me for a month cause he got kicked out of his home and we grew closer we met at work and we started hanging out more I fell in love with him and he asked me out on October 15, 2020 continued to live together I was happy but then he moved back home with his family. I was upset things were hard he was my escape I got to spend everyday for a month living with him it was great. We were doing fine had some rough patches but then things got rocky and we had a fight and ended up breaking up in May 2021 we stayed connected friends but we weren’t only just friends there was more. We weren’t exactly dating but we weren’t just friends very confusing on my end we both had individual issues that needed to be solved and now we’re in a pause not sure what is going on. I miss him and will do anything for him but I feel like he doesn’t wanna be with me and we’re just wasting time. He’s my best friend. And I’ve grown to want to constantly be with him every since October… I want him back so badly but he’s not sure what he wants I’m not a big priority of his but I still keep making him a priority of mine… it’s difficult. I just want this mess to be over…

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Sure thing!

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what’s your @?

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