Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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These days if you talk your heart out to someone, they found you depressing, sad or weak even if they are going through the same thing. I literally dont have anyone , not even my family.
But I would like to find someone who knows how it feels and we can find solace in each other. Like real thing, where I dont have to pretend or fake my emotions. Where I can just peacefully exist.

15 replies

I know someone people judge me without knowing what I’m going through.
It’s tough to show your real self when people don’t understand how you feel.


So true. Feels like everyone out there is living a pretentious life and its a crime to be the real you.


I know right.
I hate feeling like crap because of people.
I wish I could be my true self without caring about others.


Let me be that person


Sure…how are you?


Okay okay wau?


I can relate so much to that… hard not masking away your real self to the world becomes exhausting. You’re always welcomed to express what you’re going through here


Thank you. Hows everything going?


it’s okay, thanks for asking :)

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Haha… even I’ll ghost you later.

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Not at the moment.


I have had my share of shit. my only friend died, I have no one to talk to anymore.
I can listen cause I need too. I have had more than my share of problems, homeless, divorced, separated from my kids, health problems, you name it I have been there. I’ve had 9 heart attacks, kids were kidnaped, hey I’ve been there. You want a shoulder to cry on, mine are wide.


Dude that sounds pretty rough. I am a young fellow so I dont think I relate to you in all such things because I feel like my life has just begun and you have lived quite a lot. But you can talk here if you want, I might not have all the wisdom but I’ll try to help.


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