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There’s this thing where i keep getting very nauseous and my left hand pains and I feel like crying a lot at about 12am every night. This makes me feel very suffocated. What is it exactly? Idk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @downandout
4 replies

Anxiety…this is because of anxiety issue …this happens when you feel anxious and overthink…an acid form which causes such pain…whenever you got this pain try taking deep breathe for 5 min …drink water or walk…or you can start writing anything you want…suddenly you will realize that pain is gone…and …try to sleep by 10 or 11 and try to get indulge in work and make yourself tired by doing physical work so you can sleep early…and regularly do yoga …breathing exercises…well you can consult a doctor too as I don’t know about your health issue but if it’s mental then try whatever I said…!!!


Thank you❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @downandout

Keith @downandout

It’s usually anxiety and panic issues.

When that happens, count 5 things you can touch and see.

Anxiety and panic causes heart to beat faster resulting in high BP hence the pain.

Don’t worry would be an understatement but chill whenever you start overthinking try and listen to music or write down what you feel on your phone in notes or notepad or a note book.


Thank you❤️


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