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there’s this guy who used to text me, he’s someone I know from my college. he was such an introvert that he didn’t speak to anyone for months. but apparently, he started texting me and he eventually said that he felt comfortable around me. but the whole plot lied when he used to text me so well online but in class, he barely even told me ‘hi’. we used to cross paths and we didn’t even speak. it was always me who spoke to him first. I kinda liked him from the start and my friends kept telling me that I deserved someone better but what they don’t know is that he showed a side of his that no one else knew about. anyways we ain’t texting anymore

Profile picture for Now&Me member @injeolmi
6 replies

Well to be honest this is my story right now exactly same except cllg thing

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Y u guys stoped texting?


Yeah y u guys stopped texting??


idk he’s apparently gotten his confidence all high and he’s acting all cold to people. he was even ignoring for quite a while now and recently each time we used to text his replies were like he had no interest in texting me and he kept on liking the messages and ending convos.
i gave upon texting him and he never texted back since. at least till now


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