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There’s this feeling where my boyfriend and I have made a fixed schedule to talk. We live in a long distance relationship. He often fails to follow our me time. Should I end it?

12 replies

Different time zones can obviously make things difficult but if you feel like you’re the only one putting efforts maybe you should end it.

Before that maybe try taking to him about this and expressing how you feel. Communication plays a huge part in relationships after all.

It’s a two way thing so even after talking it out, you feel like you’re the only one putting efforts to make things work, I think it’ll be healthier for you to end it and spend your time and energy somewhere where it is appreciated


I did talk to him, this is quite frequent. He’ll have his reasons. He’ll follow everything for a few days but later on its the same old thing.
P.S- We have the same time zones


If he keeps making excuses I don’t see any reason you should drain your energy on him tbh.

If someone cares about someone they will always be ready to go the extra mile for them


I know it’s difficult but if u you really love him you should communicate with him and try to make it work


I did communicate with him. But it all ends up getting back to square one.


See if he is worth all the hurt and effort I say talk to him again and this time ask him if he is wants to continue if there is any problem…it’s gonna be alright 😊


Thank you so much! Means a lot


Hey! I don’t want to drag my story here, but telling from experience… I’ve been from the best to the worst of LDR. A man ( a boy probably in this case) who’s worth your time, will appreciate it. No person is too busy, too caught up or too tired to talk to someone they love. Girl, you are not born to chase someone. If you think you are putting more efforts than you should, and if it is draining your energy than it’s not worth it. Please try 3 days rule… do not text or call him for 3 days and see if he tries. If he does… probably you can give him chance but do not go after him. If he loves you he will fear losing you, if he doesn’t, you shouldn’t be afraid to let him go.


This helped! Thank you so much! Means a lot.


Glad I’ve been of some help.


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