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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nova_

Miso @nova_

There’s something that I’ve been wondering for quite a while… Do all families have those kind of toxic uncles and aunts who only care about themselves and are way too selfish for their own good?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dev_05
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rajpur0hit
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunn02
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nova_
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dev_05

Dewashish @dev_05

Unfortunately yes … 😅

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rajpur0hit

Pawan Purohit @rajpur0hit

Definitely yes.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunn02

sunn @sunn02

Yes but I don’t go any type of family functions ! Only few 1-2 times in a year ! So enjoying high away from all toxics else my own sins girl !

Kain G @kain



It’s there in every family only few people are the lucky ones who don’t have


Same…it’s quite common in this era


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