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3am ThoughtsThought


there’s side thought which I’m having lately that my best friend doesn’t really care about me yk the geniune or basic care and concern that one individual should have for another if the other one is not feeling themselves and is feeling shattered lonely i don’t even sense that from her side anymore. I don’t know but there’s this gut feeling that she’s purposely keeping distance but bro this hurts because everytime i tell her something she doesn’t even care to check upon me or anything. Basically she’s ignoring me sm that it bothers me because i give my 110% be it any person who’s upset to keep a check upon them and assure them that I’m there anytime. Weird. any suggestions what to do because it bothers me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aksa
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lucky_star
6 replies

possibly she is going through something she didn’t tell you about or something about you is bothering her. only solution is to communicate with her about it. Have a one on one conversation with her about this and don’t make it aggressive because then it would not yield any solution. Keep your words calm and convey your thoughts to her/him.


it’s not that easy na i don’t how to how to confess her this even tho if i did then she will be bounded to give me attention which i don’t think is the right stuff. Also i ain’t saying in a friendship we need to share everything with eachother but if once in a while if I’m telling her something for eg. How lonely I’ve feeling lately because of my family issues i haven’t been feeling myself for past few weeks, she could have showed a bit concern yk a bit. Like at that point if i would have said any of this thing to a complete stranger they would acted better than she did. And this is not the first time, everytime i try to share bit of my feelings just a bit because i don’t want her have a burden of my issues she just backs off. You think she might be going through something or anything, i respect that but when she wants me or when she’s in a “mood” then where does this going through thing vanishes.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aksa

blah-blah-blah! @aksa

U should move on…cz if one Doesn’t like u u definitely should not stay around her like a fool…cz ur life is precious don’t waste it on wrong people… Every soul is a gift…so,make ur life better with better things…life is not just all about love…there are a lot of important things to… Like just go and help poor people whatever u have…just help ur parent…and u will see this little thing will make u to live a better life!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lucky_star

Lucky Star @lucky_star

Sometimes its just how we perceive things. And much of what we “feel” are just in our head. Maybe you were thinking too much? If she is your best friend, tell her honestly that you feel that way. She will understand. And maybe she is also having a difficult time. We can’t resolve things if we won’t communicate.

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