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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

There’s a lot of buzz on LinkedIn about Law firms mentally harrassing interns. It brings me a sense of dejavu.
I was about to enter my first year of college and I was extremely vulnerable when I was doing an online internship with a small firm from Maharashtra. The owner/coordinator intended to mentor me, and I wanted to learn content writing comprehensively so I agreed. I don’t know how so much nāive I was back then that I couldn’t realise that person was literally playing with my mind and he convinced me that he only wanted my best, that he cares for me. Started doing things that made me a little uncomfortable, adding a sexual tint to a normal conversation, asking if he’s handsome enough, if I’d hold his hand etc. And saying I love you I have never felt this way but as an acquaintance no other feelings in the very first month. I was 17 and näive and an idiot and I’d ignore all that stuff, but eventually 4-5 months later, I thought he really cared and we entered into a relationship. Everything was normal for a few months, but then his lies started unfolding. He had told me he was 6 years elder, but turned out he was more than a decade older. Not like we didn’t meet. We meet 3 times through the course of our relationship, and though he would claim he never intended to get physical, he would. Initially non-consensually.
He would pretend to be one thing and do something totally opposite. Like not wanting to get physical, and then literally getting over me in a theatre. Like a lot of things. He made me believe that he didn’t want to use me physically, when he was doing exactly the same. Using me physically, abusing me mentally.

When I see all these stories on LinkedIn and Instagram, I feel I have been there. Perhaps, I was too much of an idiot to realise that I was being abused. He’d even let me disclose our relationship to my close friends and when I did, when I told my mom, he’d panic. I wonder why couldn’t I see the red flags. I wish I had known I was being abused. That I was being used. I wish nobody has to go through this

9 replies

jay @jay12

You have gone into hard times be strong girl and don’t judge others for him


Heyy . How are you now? And 17 is a small age . I m so sorry you had to go through this . It is kind of hard for someone that small to understand who’s manipulating you or using you. Because that is when we get out there and usse pehle we don’t really understand what parents say when they tell you that the people out there can get really bad because humne kabhi experience hi nhi ki hoti . Please don’t be harsh on . yourself . You had encountered something that u weren’t completely aware of . I hope you are doing okay now . And I hope nothing goes well in that bastard’s life . I hope he suffers real bad .


Hi. I am 20 now. I found about his lies after 2 years i.e. last year. Things have been tough, but I’m trying


I m here if you ever wanna talk or when you feel low <3


This for some reason made my blood boil. This is a clear cut case of fooling someone and taking advantage of. I’m not sure or can govern on the kind of decision you should take now but this does calls for a legal action of some sort. I’m truly sorry that you had to go through this and pray that you have got some idea of how and whom to trust in life now onwards. Take care and feel free to speak out.


Every now and then when we had a fight,he’d say please don’t take legal action against me, and I’d say we’re together why would I. Now I understand why he used to say this.


This idiocy is actually made me angry(please don’t mind my anger). How are you apart from that? I’m hoping it hasn’t changed you a person and you’re still a good one.


I think I’m doing good, but I get massively triggered if I come across elder people even slightly trying to get flirtatious with young kids/teenagers, misusing their innocence. I am having a hArd time being myself, or in trusting people.


Totally understandable. Any reasonable person would reflect the same way. Other than that I’m hopeful that you have a nice social circle with good friends to rely on, A nice career path to pursue. For the hard times and in trusting- feel free to talk, I’ll be more than happy to know you. Do let me know if you wish to be in touch


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