Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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There is this feeling I’ve been having, it’s been a few days. Feels like I lost something or someone, I’ve thought about everything and everyone I know and I don’t think I have lost. At least my brains tells me so. But with each passing day I’m feeling a bit more down. And since today morning, I want to cry, like how I used to in childhood, for hours. And then go back to life feeling clean. But for some wired reason I’m not able to get a tear out of my eyes.

Feels like the first lines of Tale of two cities. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”

2 replies

I am going through the same phase


I was so happy earlier but now all I do is doubt my existence. I feel like what is the need for living and I feel that I am bad at everything. I really can’t take this anymore


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