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3am ThoughtsThought


There is something wrong with me. Lost a friend 😭. Why do they come when they dont want to stay😡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sarah_lalu
17 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Happens move on buddy


Too tired. Nothing is working dont know if I have enough mind space to move on.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Than just pause for a period of time
Understand what you really dealing with than work on it
Than move on with it


Done so many times. Don’t fell like lifting up anymore(:

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Okayyyyyy than what’s your plan for now
Staying up there and not helping yourself to get out from that situation

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sarah_lalu

Sarah Lalu @sarah_lalu

Fck them…you don’t need anyone to keep you happy either be a friend, boyfriend or whatever…some ppl do come in your life to teach you things.


I thought she was a good person. Was genuinely rooting for her in her works dont know what I did that she had to leave. What else do they except?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sarah_lalu

Sarah Lalu @sarah_lalu

They only expect from ppl…they never give them something…be it anything…you clap with two hands not one…so if she wasn’t giving efforts in your friendship it’s better she left


Thank you so much for trying me lift me up. But she has ton of friends. But for me she one of the the only two. Now I am really afraid if I shall loose the one left.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sarah_lalu

Sarah Lalu @sarah_lalu

You won’t…trust me who are meant to stay will stay… even i have only one friend… it’s okay


Friend, I have been so lonely for so long. I am not really sure how I will take the coming loneliness.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sarah_lalu

Sarah Lalu @sarah_lalu

Hope you’ll be fine soon


Thank you so much.


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