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3am ThoughtsThought


There is a person I really love , I tried working things out , but eventually he isn’t making any effort, this has been going on for very long and i cant take it . Just because I genuinely love him i am unable to let him go . But now i have decided, we haven’t exchanged a single word in last six days , i dnt know where is he or how is he , . Cant take this uncare attitude .

After giving much thought i have realised i will be needing a person who can interest me and take my mind off him . I know there are alot of people going through the same hardship . And i want someone to be upfront and comment about it .

I want to experiment something
Lets connect and talk for a month and forget our exs, lets just talk and listen without attachment or promises , just make sure we dnt go back to toxic routines . Sometimes i feel i dnt need anybody, but then i felt there are alot of people suffering the same thing . Why just not simply take help and together two individuals can benefit .

Lets help each other

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anushka
Profile picture for Now&Me member @prachip394
43 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

It’s difficult but yeah good thought


Have connected with you

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Would like to know your account

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Unble to find you , you can comment with your account

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how old are you?


I am 23





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I know dude

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Yea , this post is to find someone i can talk to for a month and without attachments and move on

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Nt gonna comment

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Yws sure

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @anushka

Unknown @anushka

Hey there, going through the same phase!


Feel free to reach out and text people and talk , this is the only way to focus on important things

Rumi @rumi07

Hey I’m so sorry about whatever you are going I’ve gone through the same next person gave so many reason for his behaviour but don’t understand what’s wrong I have gone through it and I know how painful it is , it ruins lot of time and we end up regretting but I’ll still suggest u to try and communicate it can help you , and your mental health I know it’s tough even I m not able to do this but let’s try


I would suggest you to talk with real friends in your town, this comment section is weird except one or two who genuinely suggest you good everyone just want to connect with you just by knowing you are the girl , the things would be so different if you would be boy , that’s y I suggest talk with genuine ppl in your own town , or your best friends they know this matter , and they know you! I experienced this well! At the end ppl who know you , can help you better most of the ppl you will see turn out completely different after sometime :) have good life and pls take care you are going through rough patch! This used to be good platform , ppl genuinely used to help but now it’s totally different


There a privilege in talking to stranger , its just passes time and we dont build love and emotions easily , real affection matter , have tried talking to my real friends they hitted on me , very creepy and more deaperate , a male friend was also going through breakup we talked and he started thinking i ready to be more then friends , he sucked believe me . I can take all the creepiness’s of these strangers but real people judging and giving one side opinion and being more creepy was all very deapo


I get it , we all just need our difficult times to pass and focus more important things like career


I’m so sorry for your loss , but in reality we can make friends with real ppl na :) we can try! I’m telling u from my own experience:) have helped plenty of ppl here and I know this app better now! Thats y suggesting you ! Anyway it’s your choice , remember this don’t depend your happiness on ppl , it will hurt you although depend your happiness on your passion it will turn out great and will reach u to great heights


Thank you for genuine concern , i feel i have seen a lot of struggles in life , i am kinda mature , maybe that why I finally have decided yo not go through the rough patch by myself , also i am not gonna be dependent on anybody , thanks bdw


You want to get connected then?


Hey. I am going through the exact same thing and although I have shared my feelings with him, he hasn’t communicated what he feels on this subject. So like you did, I have also decided to let him go coz we deserve better. You can reach out to me and we can keep a check on each-other and celebrate being happy and single rather than any bullshit one sided-ness


Yes , sure

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prachip394

Prachi @prachip394

Thats me. Ping me and keep.


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