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vrinda @vrinda887

there is a guy i like
he is my besties brother
we are the same age
i told my bestie that i like him so that she does not feel that i’m using her
and she is fine with it but she told me that he won’t like me when i asked her if he will
what should i do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @itsnisu
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mrs_hemsworth
24 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @itsnisu

Nisu✨🤍 @itsnisu

Know him first than try to having good conversations … Nd u will find out that he really into you ya not

vrinda @vrinda887

i did try talking to him a while back but like i’m the first one to text

Profile picture for Now&Me member @itsnisu

Nisu✨🤍 @itsnisu

Yeh but how’s his responsed?

vrinda @vrinda887

he talks to me very nicely and with fun
he makes me laugh so much
and does crazy things and makes me laugh when me and my bestie are on call

vrinda @vrinda887

and when i realised that he does not show the this side of him to people our age i felt special to him and started liking him

Profile picture for Now&Me member @itsnisu

Nisu✨🤍 @itsnisu


vrinda @vrinda887

BUT what should i do na

Profile picture for Now&Me member @itsnisu

Nisu✨🤍 @itsnisu

Umm u sure about it? I mean anybody’s told uh ya u k how’s his behavior with everyone nd different with you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @itsnisu

Nisu✨🤍 @itsnisu

Tell him be honest if he says no get over 😅 ya take a time to tell him

vrinda @vrinda887

yes i should do that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mrs_hemsworth

I think he sees you as your sister’s friend. Try to view the situation from his POV. Maybe he’s never thought of you that way.

vrinda @vrinda887

hmmm idk but i still like him

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mrs_hemsworth

I know how that feels. Liking someone and not being able to do anything about it. Worst phase. I was in the same situation a few years back. I completely fucked it up by dating that guy.

vrinda @vrinda887

OMG u dated him? actually im thinking of getting over him and focusing on myself rn

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mrs_hemsworth

Yes. He had feelings for me too, he just never told me that because he thought we might not end up together and would fuck up our friendship too. And guess what? He was right. Lol. I still miss that friendship.


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