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there are two reasons I am still going to school. My favorite teacher and the only real friend I have. Problem: teacher is sick, friend is in a psychiatric hospital for probably more than a week. How am I supposed to make it? I am going to fail my math exam next week anyway, so why go to school? Oh yeah, my parents. Forgot about that. I am emotionally exhausted, I just want to leave the classroom every single lesson that isn’t with my favorite teacher, but if I do, other teachers will call my parents. I can’t risk that. No one cares about me sitting in the corner close to crying the whole day, they just come up to talk about their wonderful lives, but if I say one thing about myself they rather just nodd or move on talking about themselves again. It’s probably the most selfish thing to complain about this, I mean at least someone is talking to me, but honestly, I’d rather be alone the whole day. Then no getting ignored would ever hurt me again because I would just get used to it. But that’s only one stupid dream. I wish my favorite teacher would ask me once if there is a reason why I am sitting all alone or if I am ok instead of only talking to me when she needs me for something.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme


hey fren 😊 we are sorry u are going through this. we think talking to an expert might help you. we have an expert feature here on now&me where u can speak to an expert and gain new perspective as well as effective solutions to ur situation. do give it a try. we think u will like it 🀍🧑


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