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The worst thing that happened to me this year is that I lost my best friend. She was my friend for 10 years and everything ended this year because of her mom! I miss hanging out with her, saying silly jokes, crying while we’re watching sad movies, and then laughing about how our eyes look swollen and red, lying on the roof at her place and listen to the playlist we made together for our happy memories. I miss her so much, it has been 8 months since the last time I saw/spoke to her. my life keeps getting worse and worse without her and I don’t know how to live without telling her every little detail in my life. I kind of hate her mom she is a bad person and disgusting. SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND LET ME SEE HER!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

Dear Anonymous,
I can hardly imagine going EIGHT MONTHS without seeing my best friend. What’s up with her mom? Why is she keeping you two apart? Whatever reason it is, it’s stupid. Wait - is it covid? She doesn’t want you to see her because of covid? Even now, I FaceTime with my friends. Try that, if that’s the issue.

Best of luck.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

I feel bad in this situation. Just ask her to tell her mom that this ain’t right and she wants you and you want her. A best friend of 10 years can’t be taken away just like that. She too needs to fight back for your friendship.
And I hope both of you are trying your best. Just call up and talk. Maybe even talk to her mom, sort things out.


Hi, I’m really sorry to hear about that, everything happens for a reason and even if what happens doesn’t make sense, just remember that everything truly does happen for a reason and things will get better. 💗


what happened is her mom took her phone away and I couldn’t reach her or know anything about her because it was at the beginning of quarantine, I was worried about her, so I call her mom and ask her what’s going on and why is she not answering any of my calls or messages?? she said that we’re too close and it looks like we’re more than just friends, she read our messages and she thinks that I’m the reason why her precious daughter changed!!! she thinks we’re lesbians… we’re not. even if we were, she doesn’t have the right to take her phone away and go through her SMS and photos! wtf is wrong with this women?! she didn’t give me a chance to explain the situation, then she spread lies about me among my friends, and now no one wants to talk to me. English is not my first language and I’m from a country where being gay is forbidden and gays here face death penalty. I support the LGTB community and this makes me furious. it’s not just about her keeping me away from my best friend, it’s also about my reputation and LIFE! 😠


Hello, loosing your best friend is hard I know that. I lost mine last year and it was a tough time. what the mother did is not right and unfair but maybe she doesn’t know how to deal with the situation that she believes is true. But that still does not give her a reason to go to that extent.
Know that a strong friendship can weather any storm and win every battle no matter the obstacles.

Im also a person who believes that everything happens for a reason and that this is a test so the way you deal with it affects the overall ending.

You’ll get your best friend back, don’t worry her mother is just an obstacle which bohemian of you will eventually overcome.


* i meant “both”. …just an obstacle both of you will overcome


Thank you for your kind and positive words! I hope to see her soon❤


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