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3am ThoughtsThought


The world will be better if no money no religion

11 replies

And also No racism

Subho @subho


Muskan @idkyaaar

It would be better if everyone respected all religions and let them be them and do what makes them happy and a lot better if money was just price of paper to live , I really hope money Shouldn’t be something that decides status


Money provides much needed structure to us humans as society. Without currency, we would probably just have to use barter system, and it wouldn’t work beyond a certain point. Religion provides people with a much needed spiritual guidance. As everything has two sides, bad and good; both these things, done excessively can lead to destruction.


Yes money provide needs to people but we creates our needs because of money. Not all get the money.

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Moni @moniii

I don’t think so…both are made for human convenience but depending on them completely and believing that it’s the ultimate truth is wrong.


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