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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

The very existence of the concept that is β€˜nothing’ (this is contradictory in itself) is harder to imagine than an additional plane of spatial dimension

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm
6 replies

Harsh 2 @harshshit


Samaj nai aaya but sunke aacha laga

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm


Should I try explaining it in a different manner?

Harsh 2 @harshshit


Yes please

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm


Ok, so the first part (nothing part) suggests that the concept of nothing (to explain this, try imagining a reality where the universe itself doesn’t exist; if you imagine a dark void as most people do, then even that counts as something). The very concept of not having anything at all in a place (not even a void) is hard to construct for a human mind.

Now, for the second part (spatial plane), imagine a two-dimensional world (i.e., a world without a y axis (height); houses won’t have roofs because there are only two horizontal dimensions (horizontal in the sense that they are in the same plane); people won’t have digestive systems like we do because it will divide them in half (I wish I could explain it while drawing). So if you push, let’s say, a ball in their 2-D world, all they’re going to see are circles that first increaseΒ and then decrease in size (try imagining it). If you hold one of the people from that world, lift it up and place it somewhere else, it won’t be able to fathom what happened to it, as its brain is incapable of doing so. Now imagine that just like the 2-D person that you just lifted up, an entity from 4-D lifted you up, and now try imagining how that extra dimension (4-D) (we’re only talking spatially here) will seem to you. You can’t. It’s impossible for our brains to do so, just like it’s impossible for a 2-D person to imagine a 3-D world.

What I was trying to say in my statement is that it is harder to imagine the first sentence than it is the latter.

Harsh 2 @harshshit


Woah man, you should relax!
Btw what do you do apart from being an astrophysics nerd

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm


Umm… ah… a lots of stuff… maybe


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