Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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the thoughts have made a home in me, right side of my forehead, right next to my temple. it throbs with a ferocity that could tear my skull open. i try denying. i try reasoning. i try bargaining. i try ignoring. it doesn’t work. the thoughts have made a home in me and they refuse to be homeless. no evacuations will take place this day. the “what if”s will keep flooding my brain. it’s okay.
the thoughts have made a home in me. i am the only shelter they have found. i’ll just have to make peace with accommodating them. i’ll just have to make peace, somehow, with myself.

2 replies

This is so so so relatable! There are some thoughts which you want to let go of, you don’t want to think certain things but it just doesn’t happen.


They throb with a ferocity that could tear my skull open. Yes. Yes. Yes. I feel like crying sometimes because of this because I am not able to control my thoughts when I want to.


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