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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

The things that used to make u happy dosen’t make u happy anymore…
Don’t know it’s normal or not…
I didn’t ever imagine i am going crave just to feel normal…
I really want to get very very busy… that i can get rid off this overthinking… and this depression mindset… that’s destroying me inside… I can’t find happiness… just get scared… over a thing that has nothing to do with me… idk how i am gonna find myself again… nothing is good… I try to keep myself busy to see good things… happy things… still sometimes the bullshit overthinking make me again think that I shouldn’t…

5 replies

It’s so sad that you’re having such a hard time right now . . .

Believe it or not, neurologically speaking, your brain cannot differentiate between physical harm and emotional harm. As far as it’s concerned they’re both one and the same.

This means that the more unhealthy things get for you the more you’ll struggle with daily tasks and living in general until, one day, it all finally just falls apart . . .

As acknowledged in ancient wisdom, “A crushed spirit saps one’s strength." -Proverbs 17:22


Are u somehow know about this ??
Or have a knowledge in thus field??
I am trying to detached and busy myself… I feel this is the way i can be normal…
Just can u hlp me with this ??


It’s obvious you’ve been through a lot. Given that Psychology is Biology, it appears that you would really benefit from some intensive professional care to recover properly from everything you’ve suffered. Btw, have you ever heard of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation(TMS)?


No idk what TMS is… and nore of i didn’t tell my parents about it yet… even if I tell them they didn’t value it or will understand… will tell jut stay away from phone… so idk what to do… if u knw… plz suggest…

Idk just feeling restless…


TMS is a painless, highly-effective medical therapy for mental health issues and it doesn’t require medications:

Feel free to take this opportunity now to explore this fully with your local MD. (After all, if not now . . . when?)


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