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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

the thing is idk how to react on things im so numb idek what to do, i spend my whole day in the same room in the same corner and the day becomes week and the weeks become months i almost lost my 1 year bcoz of this idk how to deal with this i feel like im dead inside.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sree_2207
Profile picture for Now&Me member @alex245
17 replies

same is happening with me
i am preparing for upsc and became completely alone


damn that’s not good but it is what it is

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sree_2207

Srijita @sree_2207

Why don’t you try and talk things out or maybe share what u feel and think with the person closest to u ? did u give it a try ?
I would say at times like this sharing with a particular person u trust and who is close to u would be of great help…if u block urself up then overthinking and ifs and buts will corrupt every possible positive thoughts that could come in ur mind…


what if there is no one? like i don’t have any close friends here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sree_2207

Srijita @sree_2207

any family member close to u ?
or else if u are okay with new people… I’m all ears ☺️


yeah I will try thanks


how dare you assume my gender? lol jk jk


how dare you assume my gender? lol jk jk


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