Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @aashna_namle

Aashna N. @aashna_namle

The skill that most of us need to learn is how to be kind. Most importantly how to be kind to yourself.

Being a kind person to yourself reflects in the way you speak to yourself, how you treat yourself when you’re feeling low, how you handle your self when you make a mistake and if you can accept yourself in your low moments.

Sometimes it seems like work, but in the end it makes you have a better relationship with yourself, which of course means you will have a better relationship with others too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aashna_namle
3 replies

This is something really hard to accomplish 

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aashna_namle

Aashna N. @aashna_namle

Yes it is


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