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The only friend I thought I had in my new college just lied to me. Although I know she lied to me, I pretend to not know about anything. I couldn’t make many friends in my new college cause of bad situation at home. I couldnt give much time for my new college mates. So I used to only talk to 1 girl and she knew that. It really hurts so bad. I dont feel like waking up in the morning. Everything feels like a waste of time.

7 replies

I’m sorry this person treated you this way. Noone deserves to be lied to and you’re no exception.

What you’re feeling is very normal, it’s something I’ve felt too. But believe me, YOU. DESERVE. BETTER. Repeat this to yourself, and do write it on a board/ diary in front of you. It’ll remind you of whatta baller you are, and how you never really needed this person.


I needed this🥺…Thank you so much


You are so welcome


was that lie gonna harm you some way?,


Ya kinda…in a small way


If I were you(true story - well I am you, except for the part, my one true friend didnt lie to me yet, but I’m prepared for back stabbing any day now) what I do is, I connected with the college friends on socials and occasionally make small talk about their snaps or insta stories. That way u stay connected and during college emergencies like exams or assignments they’re just a text away.
I’m sure you’ll bond better when college reopens. Also don’t expect too many friends in college like they show in movies. Its bull shit. Only few people stick by u, nobody else matters honey. So focus on yourself and your career. Friends are secondary.


Ya true. I will try making few friends through social media and yes I will concentrate on my studies too…Its just that all this thoughts keep coming on my mind which distracts me.


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