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The once i used to compete with, beside them are now so far i can’t see them even with squinting eyes. I am left here alone far away in envy. Some might think i am envious of them. No Never. They deserve all of that. Who i envy is myself or more accurately my old self. How disappointed she might be in me and i wonder if she pities me too…

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Therapy @frugal_merry

Can relate to it a lot
Used to be the topper till grade 11 and now when I’m left for just 2 more exams of cbse boards …I feel like I’ll fail or score really bad


Same. I had topped my school in 10 grade and now here i am in 12th all lost and doing nothing about it.


Why did we change a lot🥺?
I seriously couldn’t bring myself to study the way I used to .


Ahh i know even when i WANT to and i know i need to i can’t bring myself to gather that much dedication. I think maybe flow chala gaya or whatever it is. I feel so useless. Excelling in academics was the only identity i had and it’s lost now too


I lost my spark because I no longer saw happiness in studying or scoring good .
Because I lost sight of who I wish to be .
I didn’t have a ’ why ’
But now when I do know what I want …it’s too late already.
I just wish I pass with at least 75 %


Same broo…
There was one time i would cry even if i got one marks less than the total…and now i am crying and praying for 75%. I think i don’t have a goal yet so i don’t have the force which drives me to work hard. But as you said it’s too late


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