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Harsh @har5h

The loneliness is killing me inside. I got no friends to hang out with. Everyone around is enjoying the weekend and here I am sitting in a dark room scrolling and feeling pity for myself. Literally crying inside and no one around to even see it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fighter453
5 replies

Listen to music. Indulge in your hobbies. Make books your best friend. Do whatever you want, but just don’t sit idle. This adds fuel to fire. Talk to your family about daily happenings. They are the ones who really belong to you. They are the ones who stay. Else everything is volatile. People will come and go. Remember, this too shall pass. Stay strong brother💪 All the best 👍

Harsh @har5h

Thanks mate, it’s good talking to someone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fighter453

Nomad @fighter453

If you stay in Mumbai we can catch up

Harsh @har5h

Thanks bud, but Mumbai is too farrr


I can’t hang out but i can talk through texts


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