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The loneliness after my very recent breakup is killing me. Waking up to the fact that I don’t have a constant companion in life is making me feel more miserable and depressed. I have a feeling I am not going to find anyone as good as her in my life again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyansh98
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyansh98

Priyansh Garg @priyansh98

Relax bro that is exactly my reflection 3 months ago. Just do two things.
1. Delete every possibl thing you have of her. Even the expectation that she might comeback.
2. Dont look for another relationship for atleast 4 months and concentrate on a work. If possibl get a job that brings you money so that you geta new purpose to put your efforts on


I already have a job brother. That too a really high paying one. But my purpose for the last few years was to do well in life so her and I can have a happy life. But right now its like I have lost all motivation and feel like doing nothing.


Don’t be sad. This is the time for you to get humble and more focussed in knowing yourself better.

This is your life’s best time to develop a habit and focus on mastering it. Nothing can fill the void that has been created because you have been ditched by someone. But this void can easily be replaced by some music, dance, self realisation and other chunks that nobody can take from you.

Ppl can come and go but your talent can never be stolen. Build yourself a habit and focus your energy on it.


Fuck it all bro… You were used… That leaves scars… Everyone has their own scars… Please focus on yourself and wear your scars proudly… The best people have the most scars… Work on yourself and make that pain mean something… This community is here for you


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