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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

diya rayan @diya16

The first time I met you
I had no idea that
I’d love you this much…

And the first time I said yes to you,
I had no idea that
You’d make me unlove you this much,…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnvr7
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shubhangi_d301
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnvr7

Manvir Minhas @mnvr7


oh πŸ˜€ Who is this ?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @shubhangi_d301

Shubhangi @shubhangi_d301


Going through the exact same schit.
I understand that it’s hard to bear and empathy can’t be shown in words when love is the topic.
Just a single thing to say, "show yourself mentally strong even if you’re struggling inside. "
Consider yourself prior above any.Take decisions accordingly.
Ik you’ll get better soon❀.

-someone bearing the same pain.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife


You girls are much more strong then you think. Just try to stay positive, it’s not you only who suffer always. Sometimes guys have to. So it’s not about specific gender problem, it happens. Don’t let anyone break you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shubhangi_d301

Shubhangi @shubhangi_d301


Agree !
Gender isn’t the point.Everyone does feel.
Point is about thinking in a way to get yourself out of the relentless stress.When things cross a certain limit , one has to take stand for self.


Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife


Yar there are only two options to get rid of such situations.
Either you get a person with whom you can forget all your sorrows and can feel the happiness,
Or you make yourself strong enough to handle everything by yourself.
I just say you can be much strong so you can handle everything by yourself. Don’t consider yourself weak.


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