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The day has just started. The drama, unfortunately has not. Dad was up all night with our pregnant sister because she had heartburn. My older sister is angry, because he had nothing to do with her when she was pregant (18 now, and not by choice). He is all over this one, and it makes me sick. I dont understand why she is so much more special than we are. She literally gets to do everything the rest of us can’t. Dad is letting her homeschool, but our older sister didn’t get to. We refer to her as the princess now, because thats how he treats her. We told him how we feel and he told us he was done feeling guilty and he was done with us telling him he was a horrible dad. We never said, or implied, that. Ugh!!!

3 replies

Oh man, that’s not very nice, or pleasant. I can’t imagine how you or your sister must feel. That’s pretty sucky tbh…like literally it’s saying you have a favourite child. Maybe they just have a great relationship? As in they’re closer, or have more similar interests perhaps? Just trying my best to view this in a positive light!


She is his favorite, and its very clear. He posts about her accomplishments on instagram, her birthday on twitter. Never any of the rest of us. It hurts.


Sorry to hear that bro. Hope you’re able to live with it, because this really seems to be out of your control. I mean, the most you can do is continue to exist and be yourself, and maybe keep trying, but not at the cost of your happiness. If he doesn’t care, despite all the efforts you’re taking, then I don’t know if it’s worth it.


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