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Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

The concept of ghosts is so interesting and yet so stupid

Profile picture for Now&Me member @baloon_717
Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @baloon_717

duggu 🤍 @baloon_717

It’s not stupidity…though it’s truly interesting…👻👻👻

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

Well I have a lot of questions for a ghost if I ever met one and if it exist in the first place (I have tried finding them). Let me know if you wanna try answering those question

Profile picture for Now&Me member @baloon_717

duggu 🤍 @baloon_717

Yeah I’ll love to answer

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

As I like to believe, you haven’t met a ghost too. So let me assume that your version of a ghost is same as mine i.e ones we have seen in tv, movies and caught on cam online videos (this one is laughable). Keeping this in mind my questions to a ghost and to you would be -

1. If it can levitate, control objects (let’s with the help of a fundamental force i.e magnetism or gravity (there are two more but can’t be applied in this case)) then it should be our next step towards evolution, right? But still we struggle a survive, it goes against Darwin’s theory.

2. This one is genuinely interesting - What does a ghost do in it’s free time? Like when no one is near it for it to scare them, what does a naturally day in a ghost’s life looks like.

3. What even is it’s purpose? Like in simple terms we work so we can because at the end of the day we wanna survival, that’s hiw nature works and to survive is what a human live for. But what about a ghost? There’s no reason for it to be what it is.

4. Now let’s say there were two propel, they were working kn communicating with ghost. Now one of them dies and becomes one, why it simply doesn’t contact it’s partner and tell him that yeah you do become a ghost after dying, it can communicate using a Ouija board (I know how it works, it’s just our brain tricking us). Why no such case where something like this had happened exist?

5. Why aren’t humans using ghosts as weapons? I mean for real, humans are wicked creatures, they’ll use anything and everything to gain what they want. From poisonous, gases, diseases, androids to the power which fuels every star, we used them all to wage warfare. So if a ghost such a prominent and strong being then why it hasn’t been weaponized yet?

6. A soul needs a body because it has a brain to think, a heart to pump blood, a vocal cord to speak etc. And if like in movies where a ghost can take revenge upon the ones who killed it exist then it means it can think, and if it can think why even have a human body in the first place?

7. Let’s say a ghost is being that exist in a spatial plane one greater to ours (i.e 4D) then there shouldn’t be a reason why humans exist unless it’s something like metamorphosis.

There are so many more questions but they’ll flow better when engaged in a discussion.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

One more interesting one, what happens to ghost of different persons? Like in a war when thousands dies, why don’t their ghost still try to protect their occupied land? What happens to the ghost of a new born? What does a ghost of a new born seek?

During which stage of birth a soul enters the body? (This one might be easy to answer, ofcourse only if we assume things)


As there’s no science to support the existence of ghosts…but according to the research …we have plenty of explanation about the sense of supernatural presence…let me ask you a question…do you believe in god ??? And if it’s a yess…the questions you recommend regarding ghost …same refers to the existence of God ?

As you may not get the answer… about the question I asked…or may you get the answer…(existence of God)… it’s not necessary every question requires a specific answer…some things are unsaid stuff… In most cases scientist say it’s pareidolia …(for example when you mishear the lyrics in a song , our brain is filled in a meaning that wasn’t there…and it will most likely continue to mishear those words Even after you learn the right ones ) ( brain adds things that aren’t there ) it’s all about in brain…we picture up , create scenes in our brain itself…and our brain if filled with lots of questions in our minds …and the power of critical thinking is must like hallucinations… etc

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in either a God or ghosts, I actually believe in what you said. I visited all kind of haunted places in order to prove others that the existence of a being such as ghost doesn’t make sense. Brain’s the most complex object in the universe and it indeed does what you said it does, it tries to come up with stuff when given incomplete information which create myths like a ghost, a sasquatch etc.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

So many mistakes now that I’m reading this for a second time


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