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The boy i like the most he friendzoned me even deep down i know he has some feelings for me but idk why he is not accepting may be bcoz of caste he is Muslim and I’m hindu, after we both decided to be with each other as a good friend i think communication gap has developed, he is keeping himself very busy but from 3 may my internship will also be going to start 9 to 6 job, i don’t know how I’ll manage time and all I’m getting worrying that what if just bcoz of my time shift and work load will affect our friendship in any cost i don’t want to lose him or i don’t want even that he lose interest in me in this communication gap

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23
10 replies

Don’t keep one sided effort buddy
It’s okay to loose people, just accept,learn, improvise nd move forward 🙂


Tbh I’m that type of person who don’t want to lose bonds that’s why I’m every relationship or friendship i give my full efforts from my end. But idk why this boy is so stuck in my head.


Your efforts value more than anything in the world .
Save them for the right people.
I have seen many people just wanting their time nd energy on wrong people.

Don’t be one of them

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23

Mr.Vamshi Goud @vamshi23

Why so afraid if ur attachment nd bonding is real ,no distance can seprate u both ok! Real test is when there is a communication gap


Yaah you are right❤️ but what if he will try to maintain distance from myself in this gap.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23

Mr.Vamshi Goud @vamshi23

Text me privately,if we discuss here it will be lengthy


Look you can’t control everything. Give your best. Communicate with him. If he wants to go let him go . it is a 2-way street. If you both meant to stay together you will.


Even he don’t want to lose me, he said that for him also moments matter and for him too i matter somewhere even if as a friend. He insisted me to be continue our bond. But Idk what’s happening with him he is really busy or trying to ignore me.


As i said earlier let it go. What gonna happen will happen

Anonymous @sunmoonlover

You know when you loose someone you get a chance to find yourself again, you get to explore your emotions once again and no matter how hard you try some things are not meant to happen and that you realise it later. So accept the situation as it is and do things which makes you happy. Do things for yourself. Because only you can do wonders for yourself.


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