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Body PositivityThought


That one day I posted here about marrying a bald person there was only one positive reply, even someone said sonething like bald is only better if someone has cancer. I remember it. And yeah I am choosing that person but I really now know how unacceptable people are towards uncertainties, and that I know people will mock me for my decision and will talk back. Idc now. OUT OF ALL THE NEGATIVE COMMENTS I WENT FOR THE POSITIVE ONE. We are more than our outer appearance. ❣
I said Yes.

5 replies

You go✨. It’s nobody’s business, half the people judging your partner are single, lmao what even gives them the right to talk. Congratulations 😭🫂


All the best ❤️❤️ being bald isn’t his bad life choice…it just happens …hoping he’s a good human 😊 and keeps his head sexy like Jeff Bezos


you did the right thing by not going for an external appearance that will anyways fade with time but all we should look at in a person is their behaviour and there soul
you are amazing to focus at the positive comment because that is how we have to live here in this planet clinging on to the positives and staying happy

All the veryyy bestt for the coming new phase of your life

and congratulations in advance.
so happy for the two of you💕


one of the best decisions of your life…!! you marry person for life … you need a good human to survive with… appearance will fade away ssoner or later… wish you great lige ahead… ppl always have something bad to say ignore them


You inspired me 🌻💖💛


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