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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adityav16

Aditya @adityav16

That night, when her text pop up it was late but seeing it i got chills… Like something was on my neck crawling around. I should not be this excited.
Her: hey!
Her: you there?
Her: are you asleep ?
Her: i guess so…

I read them from notification bar… I’m not ignoring but it’s just i want to talk and at the same moment don’t want to talk. Yes i know I’m confused.

All those thoughts are like rollercoaster they are coming back and forth between me and her .

Everything was on hault, i wasn’t prepared for let her go cause she was everything I called peace.

I know Those eyes won’t make me comfortable now her smile wouldn’t make me happy as then. But afterall I wanna try i can’t imagine working out of thing without her. She knows how important she is for me. Is making fun out of me ? Or she want just pull legs and letting me go ? What if I’m not as important as she is for me ? What if I don’t hold the same place as she do in my heart?..
I know this all makes no sense and all this was like another shit about taking things as it appears. overthinking i guess and I know it is a Problem with me still I can’t let her go I can’t lose “US”

She was an addiction. And when I am with her there was no escape , but it’s not dark just looming shadows as far as I could see , I just don’t want to admit that she’s taken over my life…

People changes. Feeling changes.
It simply means that sometimes when people grow , they grow apart.
But it doesn’t mean that the love once shared wasn’t true and real
you flinch everytime i try to reason over how i was in love with you, nearly as if you have never heard of a lie, almost blasphemous in its nature, as big as this one before.

you laugh at my face with tears right at the corner of your eye, trying gloriously hard to command some control over it and keep yourself from breaking down in front of me, failing miserably at an attempt to hide it all away.

it hurts me to see you holding pain in your heart, so much of it that the only way for it to come out of you is in forms almost physical and yet, all i want you to believe is in the fact that love once shared stays love forever, even when the people no longer belong to each other.

i want to whisper silent prayers and take the pain away, and fill you with the assurity of how love never ends and stays true to its existence once its born, and holding on to that, hurts way less than holding on to something which no longer exists.

you flinch everytime i try and tell you how a part of me would always love you with all it’s entirety, everytime i wish there comes a point where we look at each other and remember the magnificent love that we nurtured together.

i wish i could tell you how people fall in love and sometimes fall apart, and yet the love once shared, is always going to be love, as eternal as it is.

but most of all, i wish i could somehow make you love that part of me, and not hate the whole of me.

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