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Profile picture for Now&Me member @neo_

Neo @neo_

That days
Sorry to say…but I am not okay…
So I just wanna go far far away…

I miss every moment…
I miss all that arguments…
I miss everything… Whatever we had done…
May be it’s weird or something more…but I really don’t wanna make those memories with anyone again…
May be I am coward I don’t know…but once I give everything to anyone…There is nothing for me or for anyone else…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @osmi
Profile picture for Now&Me member @neo_
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @osmi

osmi @osmi

Yeah that’s your choice but you shouldn’t think like that you should move on .you can learn things from your past gain experience from there and be happy.Everthing will be fine.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @neo_

Neo @neo_

I wish 🤞


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