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Tell me something ur thankful for today. Even if u had a bad day. Maybe that will make u feel a lil bit happier. I had a kinda off day but what I’m thankful for is good music. Damnn good songs just heal everything.

4 replies

I’m thankful for having some good friends
it has been a very hard week actually
music does make life better
what about you what are you thankful for?
and recommend me some songs


Idk why but kinda sad songs make me feel better. All the kids are depressed, runaway, Heather, u broke me first. Any song from Sour.
And I’m thankful fot lots of things. Books, shows I like, coffee. Stuff like this.


I am thankful for the comfort a deep breath brings when you are just walking around like a no being at the end of the day.
I like the sunlight and the greenery around my library.


I can see this beautiful world, And alive. So much thankful


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