Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Super stressed #sad

22 replies

Thats fine :) wish you luck!


Thank you ! I just don’t know how to handle all this…


Well…eventually you’ll learn


I hope so


hey… wanna talk or vent out


Yes I want to talk


so whts all going in ur head


There are a lot things… Placement got bad… family issues… mental sickness


That’s surely alottt


What about you…you also facing something


sooooo What are your wishes regarding these


I got reasons tpy be worried or sad 😅😅but right now m just in happy normal state


I just want some peace a shoulder to lean on… Just a friend I guess


hey buddy tho m a stranger 🤫n can’t offer a shoulder virtually… still for now m here fr you…


🥳lets try to cheer you up, n then some mental peace


Thank you


sooo wht else… how to cheer u up🥺


I also don’t know a thing


um first lets try with giving you a hug🤗
u got any pillow ?or teddy


Hey why ??


Because of different sorts of issues… It was like compilation of trouble bothering me all together.


Don’t worry will chat here n try to get to know any solution or anything as I go through these stuffs but more of weight loss thinking process lol


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