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diane harnett @cominghome


Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
2 replies

diane harnett @cominghome

I have been in this relationship for alomst 4 years now. It started off pretty good but the longer I am with him the more I am beginning to realise that we are ill suited for each other. There have been some really bad times, ie hes been verbally abusive and also got a bit forceful with me. I have also been dealing with mental health issues and have gone to see a therapist a few times but it was a bad fit, I didn’t feel comfortable with her, so back to the start searching for one who I can relax into. In the meantime my boyfriend has been putting so much pressure on me for sex, but I really struggle to feel connected to him, at ease and amorous (I struggle to let things go when he’s been hurtful), so I have literally had sex with him despite actually having zero interest or desire, and actually feeling a bit repulsed at times, only to get him off my case. He is 11yrs older than me, but yet I feel like I am in a relationship with a teenage boy at times because of his lack of emotional intelligence and his immature behaviour sometimes…I am a self employed artist, and financially it’s so hard sometimes to make ends meet, particularly as I have a 10yr old daughter too. So juggling adulting, running my own business, and trying to maintain my own wellness and health has been so tough, and then the pressure he puts on me on top of it drains me to the point that I struggle to get out of bed some days. I often think I should end it with him, but I am Soo nervous about being able to pay the rent and bills on my own and manage a full house and be a solo parent again…But if i am completely honest with myself, I don’t want this relationship to be THE one. We are so different, and I often feel so anxious around him and don’t feel like I can be fully myself and at ease. But I feel so stuck financially and can’t envision what it would look like for me in the future. 😣

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Sorry to hear about your state. Take more time to be financially independent. Nowadays as asrtist there are lot of avenues to present the same. Regarding the mental state, meet more people in actual and you might feel good. Best wishes


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