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Staying is hurting, leaving is hurting. What do I do? It’s just so difficult.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @donotdisturb
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tangocharlie
9 replies

Coin have two phases but we can’t see both from same view!!
Make & give priority to one stay or leave !!!
Fill the left option with other things which makes you happy


That’s what is the dilemma. I don’t know if the option that I choose would be right or wrong


Sometimes all the choices are right what we makng but we have to make them right

Profile picture for Now&Me member @donotdisturb

नाम @donotdisturb

🎶 Be, What You Wanna Be,
Taking Things The Way, They Come,
Nothing Is As Nice As Finding Paradise And
Sitting In The Summer Sun

Living Live The Easy Way,
Got Your Way To Let It Run,
Nothing Is As Cool As Drifting In The Sun Light,
Sitting In The Summer Sun 🎶

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tangocharlie

Nitin @tangocharlie

u better watch it like cersi #GOT

Ram @ram_1919

Learn to live alone… If u can it’s not hard to forget…


It’s difficult after you’ve experienced the feeling of living with someone


If I tell u my experience, you literally hang yourself, if u want to come out of this I can help, no fee, no reservations of any relationship needed…


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