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Soo yesterday,

I went to college. We have like a group of 4 girls like reall good friends. So there we were with a bunch of other friends. We were about to leave, suddenly one of my friends idk started feeling pain in her feet(she was not able to move her feet or something) soo I sat down to hold her leg and massage it when no one else did. Then one guy also sat along with me doing the same. After 5-6 min I asked her to try walking… so she did when we stood up there was this senior who asked me to get a photo clicked with him… Seeing that my friend was feeling better and had my other friend along with her I just went for the photo just in the side of her. After clicking 6-7 max photos I was back to her and she was crying I said β€˜What happened are you feeling pain again??’ she said yeah but nevermind you go get your photos clicked. Agreed a not so harmful taunt. But today she said the same thing saying that the guy was more helpful than me bcuz he came and held his feet for 2 minutes and went away. I mean that really sucks.

I was there standing by her side holding and rubbing her feet when no one else was and just when I went for 2 minutes, I am the bad guy? Not that I left her alone… I knew my other close friends were there by her side!?

I get that β€˜expectations’ part but saying this that you weren’t there for me when I WAS sucks.

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You’re definitely not in fault here.


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