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Soo, it’s been one year since me and my girlfriend are in a relationship, I met her on tinder , we broke up in March and then we patched up after one week and again everything got normal.
But a few days ago when I reinstalled tinder to see the date when we matched so I saw her tinder profile updated, ohh ya i reinstalled tinder when we broke up to see if she’s back on tinder or not so at the time her profile was just the same as it was , so I took screenshot of it .
I took that pic on the 25th and we patched up on the 26th and when I asked about this profile so she said that she did when we broke up and when we were back together, she totally forgot about it .
Now there’s one thing that she doesn’t like when I save any of her pictures, like she’s very insecure abt her pictures (That’s what she said) but in her tinder profile she uploaded 6 pictures of her 6 DAMN PICTURES !!
she told me that she updated it just to find new friends to hang out with cause she was feeling very lonely and had no-one to talk with.
She said that if you don’t trust me then you are free to leave cause there won’t be any meaning of this relationship.
So what should I do now ???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fulltree9
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fulltree9

vriksh @fulltree9

You try to patch up with her but at the end if there is no mutual understanding between you 2 then this relationship will not last long. So take your decision wisely


She is playing with your feelings


You already know the truth. It’s good if you take some more time to evaluate. Although this seems tricky. Move on if u r not toouch invested in relationship.


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