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Sometimes you just so crazy in love u just don’t want to get away from that person even for a second want them around all the time and be there for them forever

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403
Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace
5 replies

Yes very true

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403

Raj Chauhan @raj1403

And that is how you kill the relationship.

Relationships fall apart most of the times because one just loves the other but the other loves too much to the partner.

When so much of love is not reciprocated , it results into dissatisfaction.


Yes true but we never stop each other from doing what we want we give each other equal space at times

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace

Hope @cureplace

thats the beauty of love my dear. Enjoy !!! and cherish it.


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