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Sometimes we become intolerant to little defects of people and loose relations!

I know it’s always the best option to get out of toxic relationships, but every defect you see is not toxic. It’s okay if he doesn’t express his love much, it’s okay if she expresses it too much & seeks your assurance constantly, it’s okay if he chooses to be logical with future instead of promising you fake magics, it’s always okay if she is over motivated for her career, her dreams and prioritise them! Untill and unless people are trying for you, nothing else matters, until and unless both have mutual respect nothing else matters!

There will be arguments, she will find something cringe which he loves, disputes, you always won’t feel the love but end of the day efforts matter!

Stop breaking up with minor inconveniences and regret ending up alone, your body, mind and heart is not always up for multiple changes, they get confused!! So before breaking up make sure you Give your 200% in that relationship, work on it. In the end it would be worth it coz god is watching your efforts❤️

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Haan aaj k liye bas!


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