Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Sometimes there is this burst of imagination and thoughts in my head.

And there are hardly people who can truly hear you out.

And then I started writing.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone
7 replies

Lighting is a good thing. In fact, I am writing a book about Meredith. 

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Who is Meredith ?


She is my love interest 

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Your love interest? What do you mean?


She is the person I love and truly care for 

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

That sounds great ! Good luck with her. ☺️




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