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Sometimes I’m so full that I’m so content n the next moment m devastated with all the shortcomings life has put us through in the entire year. Better days ahead are just hypothetical, lost enough already, weak enough to assemble all that’s scattered

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

Uk. Nothing lasts. Today it’s a good day, we know it’s not gonna be like this forever and similarly we have a bad day and even that’s not gonna last. So that’s why maybe people say to live in the moment, be it a happy moment or a suffering one. Cz nothing lasts! And ik sometimes the bad days turn into weeks and then into months which turn into years! Honestly that has happened w me. But I’m starting to realize that maybe I was too much fretting about it and focusing only on it so that’s what I got more of! Or maybe I got happy days but my focus was completely on the bad that I missed them! So now I’m trying to keep my internal mechanisms neutral so that whatever the chaos outside…it doesn’t change my identity


So good to hear that, but could you give some tips or ideas how to shift my focus


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