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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

sometimes I want to cry but I can’t do it for some reason. And it stresses me cuz I feel like I’d feel relieved if I did. It really feels like being nauseous but not getting yourself to throw up so the feeling keeps coming up but it doesn’t go away bc it never actually comes out. Does anyone know why I can’t? is it weird that I can’t?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
3 replies

Hey beautiful human🌼
Maybe when u feel like throwing up isnt actually about it. Maybe ur anxiety levels or ur panic levels shoots up and then it causes u to feel so. Do u feel getting sweat all over u?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

Yeah, I do feel like throwing up sometimes and I do sweat and I can’t breathe and I feel really irritated by everything like noises and stuff and I think that’s anxiety. But the thing of me not being able to cry doesn’t always come with me wanting to throw up, like here i was just making a comparative saying that the feeling of not being able to cry feels like for instance, not being able to throw up. I do think it could be anxiety as well but idk it’s weird cuz usually when i want to cry i can but now i don’t always and what i do is trying to listen to sad music or think about bad things to feel worst on purpose do that i can feel enough? idk if I’m making sense. But the same things happen when I’m anxious and i make myself more anxious on purpose by exposing myself to situations and thoughts that will make me feel that way so that i feel like it can’t get worst, let out everything until it stops. If i can’t get myself to do that it won’t stop. So i compared that to the feeling of when someone is nauseous, nausea will not stop until you throw up so you might force it to feel better, that’s what i do with my tears, but idk why i feel that way and if it’s bad, or what i should do cuz before i would feel better bc i could cry but now i can and nothing happens so nothing stops, ever.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

like if someone feels like crying they just cry, why can’t i?


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