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Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna

happy banana @luna

Sometimes, I just want to cry even if there’s no reason

Profile picture for Now&Me member @atozali
Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25
Profile picture for Now&Me member @elizabethsmith
Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna
Profile picture for Now&Me member @angel14
14 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @atozali

Kindsoul @atozali


May be you need to pour out your heart to someone…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna

happy banana @luna


I’m also thinking about that but I’m having trouble expressing my feelings to people ://

Profile picture for Now&Me member @atozali

Kindsoul @atozali


Who said people you share it anonymously like you’re sharing now no one is going to judge you or give you lectures on your mistakes atleast I won’t if you want to talk you can talk to me let’s start with regrets and Guilt?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna

happy banana @luna


I really appreciate it. Thank you. Okay, I’ll start. I had a misunderstanding with my friend we’ve talked about it a couple of times already, but I still think that there are times she betrays me, you know? bc we (or at least now she,) has a friend group and I think everyone knows in our batch that they backstab each other and I don’t wanna get betrayed again. We tried to sort things out. We’ve talked through social media, but in person, we’re just like strangers. So, I told my other friends I’ll stop hanging with their friend group bc I don’t want the toxicity anymore in my life and I kept telling myself that there are some ppl who come into your life who’ll teach you a lesson and that’s what I believed. One time, she messaged me that she’s tired of the act already so she apologized again and said that we should be friends again. But I refused and said that I don’t think I can be friends with her again, but we could stay as acquaintances. And now, as I’ve thought, we’ve been friends for 8 years(going 9yrs this year) and the friendship and memories will go to waste. I’ve always believed and told myself that she hurt me, but then I thought, I know she’s also hurt because of me. Because I was badly hurt, I started to hate her. And now, as I keep on thinking, I think I was being selfish. And I wanted to talk to her and apologize, and be friends with her again. What do you think?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @atozali

Kindsoul @atozali


You’re not being selfish I think you did what anyone would do while they are hurt or angry with person they love and care, I can understand it’s not easy to trust someone once you’ve been deceived but you need to let it go may be she is changed may be she is not but you becoming a big heart person forgiving her won’t cause any damage to your beautiful soul and never fear asking for apologies for your actions they are who they are but you don’t have to become any evil to become who you’re not, we sometimes have 10 years of friendship and they break sometimes 2 days of friendship which last forever but it shouldn’t stop us on beleiving in friendship or love, we fall we stand and we start again that’s life sweetheart we won’t learn anything if we doesn’t fall just pick yourself up every time without waiting for someone to do that for you the day you become self strong people will loose the power to hurt you… Toxic is harmful in anyway so live for yourself, people who loves you and you love but don’t chase them if they want to stay appreciate their staying and if they choose to go appreciate it as well…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna

happy banana @luna


I’m so torn. There were ppl who told me not to be friends with her again. And there was some who told me we should. The biggest problem here is that her friends are also my friends. So if I let go of her, it’s like I’m giving up on everyone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25

its ok to cry it makes you feel lighter but dont expect anyone to remove your tears, you yourself has to do that and after that smileβ€¦πŸ™‚


crying is natural painkiller so cry dont worry after cry you ll be alright but dont cry ogten that is not bad for heath

Profile picture for Now&Me member @elizabethsmith

This happens when you are under a lot of pressure. That’s kinda your body telling you β€œgall. I need a break”. It can be because of stress, boxes feelings, untold truth, unfinished business and ect. Next time you feel this way, take a pen and a notebook and write the things down that may be the cause of this. Work on those things and share with a trusted one. It doesn’t have to be a parent, it can be a friend as well. And remember. Every rainbow comes after a rain

Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna

happy banana @luna


Thank you all for cheering me up. It means so much to me :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angel14

Dhadkan @angel14


Hey der…I can feel uβ€¦πŸ€—β€¦ ik tat happens but chill out tats how v all grow right ? 😊
But wanna be friends with me ? I ll always be there for you ❀️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna

happy banana @luna


Haha sure!


Hey luna…I can suggest u something for your trouble opening with people…Just think that you’re talking your own self from a different version while talking with anonymous ppl…I think that works.😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @luna

happy banana @luna


thanks for the advice!


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