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Sometimes I feel so alone…I mean I can’t sleep…then again I feel relationships are so demanding that it’s better to be single

29 replies

LostSoul @ratii12

Not all relationships are demanding. Some are very fun and easy but it takes time to find one. I feel instead of feeling lonely you can for time being try different things in life. If you need a little boost change a few things in your own house like the sofa position or bed position. Let your ex move on don’t bother yourself by their thoughts. Everyone has their own journey you just have to start yours. But don’t pressure yourself to be better. If you are down stay down for as long as you need it you push yourself to feel happy and better you will fall down harder. There is nothing wrong in being at your lowest. Take this time to figure yourself out and then once you do figure it out you will automatically be happy.


❤️❤️❤️I think you really gave an earnest response…I really appreciate that…yes maybe having a partner for life is overrated…when one can find happiness alone too…in fact I have started to figure myself out…and I think I have become pretty independent…which is what am very proud of…I do have a lot of zeal for life…

LostSoul @ratii12

That’s actually very nice being independent. I wish that you keep growing like this and be happier ❤️

LostSoul @ratii12

Just remember it’s okay to take baby steps and no need to rush. Enjoy every step you take and have fun while doing so.


Baby steps it is…life is so much more…life is beautiful…but you know what…night times alone suck…I need to find a cure for that


Thank you…I wish every lost soul finds solace in achievements…is able to take pride in things that they never thought they could do

LostSoul @ratii12

Yes life is beautiful and I like the positive energy you have towards life. If you keep being so positive I am pretty sure you will grow a lot in life. I wish I had your vibes 💯. You will find a cure for lonely nights soon. Try getting a body pillow it will for the time being help you sleep better until you find a solution. If you feel like having a conversation you can always come here and connect with me. I will try my best not to be boring 🙈

LostSoul @ratii12

That’s such a lovely message 💯❤️

LostSoul @ratii12

You have a very pure soul and it’s so good to talk to you. I am happy I met you here❤️

Naina @dutt

😁😁that sounds like a plan…(connecting with you at night).yes I have learnt to stay positive…there was a tough phase when I kept telling myself ’ I am a fighter’ Thank God never froze in life…had my fair share of crying etc…but then I think it made more sense to explore myself…move on in life and get some self belief… although I still do feel the void and emptiness… but I guess that’s when I just don’t have anything planned…I think when you have your mind set on doing something…that someone being there or not doesn’t matter

Naina @dutt

🙌it was nice to read your thoughts…and good to talk to you as well…I feel online forums ppl judge you less …the same attitude can change in person though

LostSoul @ratii12

That’s so true. Once you give your 100% nothing will stop you from getting what you want. I am so happy that phase is over for you. You are actually so tough to go through all that alone Hats Off to you 💯

LostSoul @ratii12

Even I agree with you. I haven’t opened up to anyone in 10 years. I feel everyone is going through so much in life that they don’t have the time to listen to you and most of them judge you. But you do come across good people who sit and listen to you without judgment.

Naina @dutt

There was a time I went to a psychiatrist and she prescribed sedatives…I never had the heart to take those…instead I did therapy…but then I realised what you can do alone…even therapy cannot…all these lows made me tough…going on tougher…thank you for your positive words…only I do wonder how life would have been…had I had a normal family…

Naina @dutt

I used to think there exists a thing called unconditional love…but then I realised that only the fortunate few get it… sometimes when you faulter in life…the ppl you thought would support you abandon you…ppl who should have accepted you with all your flaws start counting them…life is unfair…I cried for myself for countless days…still do sometimes…n then I think it’s okay we have Karma

LostSoul @ratii12

I can’t even imagine what you might have gone through. Yes therapy is India is not the best yet. Yes having a supportive family is very helpful.

LostSoul @ratii12

Yes karma is there and I am so sorry you had to go through so much. But it’s not late yet you can still find whatever you are looking for. I feel the things that stay in life you don’t look for them you just stumble upon them. I feel you will find unconditional love and support ❤️


It is better to feel lonely than being in a relationship


Why do you say do…it feels like you got hurt bad…me too but sometimes staying alone is hard

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Yeah u can try that


The question is how…it hard to make friends especially when you are not very outgoing


Make friends online

Venkatesh @venky23

Get a job,eat well, stay healthy,make some savings,if you are a boymaje girlfriends if girl make boyfriends for life but at last stay single be happy achieve everything to the fullest…I hope it’s possible


Sounds like good plan… especially the eat well stay healthy and save part…I think all these things contribute to happiness…but don’t you feel you need someone for life…like especially during festivals I get this feeling

Venkatesh @venky23

Hmm agreed but have ever came across like relatives are the Big enemies of one’s life like see if only for festivals then it’s a sinful Act…Try celebrating the festivals with some orphans,who are really lonely throughout there life this will really awake you to bring more happpiness and that’s whats the real celebrations are😊


Well I disagree with the orphan part…agree with the relative bit… so I do steer clear of the latter…orphans not but I do my bit with the poor where I can…I try to show as much humanity as possible to everyone around me

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