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Sometimes i feel no one can understand me, even my friends.
I can’t move on, im always thinking about her and that hurts me so much, she broke up with me after 3 months relationship… I thought i was something to her, something special. Im awake every night 3 weeks now and im crying bc i can’t believe it. Everything is so different without her. My day, my feelings just me. Im different without her. She’s my first love and that hurts even more. Why i can’t move on? Why i can’t lose my feelings for her? She hurt me so much but i can’t be mad at her and i hate it! Im still talking with her sometimes im rude and then im saying sorry… I can’t do it anymore

3 replies

It’s okay. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I can understand what you must be going through mentally and emotionally 'cause something simliar happened to me too. I’m quite srnsitive emotionally, when it happened i thought i might die with a heartache 'cause it was excruciating , i would cry at nights. i thought i will never survive this but with time i did. And now it’s been months. All i did was tried not thinking about it all. For 21 days i followed the same pattern where i occupied myself with sone work. The pain never goes away but it gets a bit easier. I know it’s not easy, i have been there too. But you can try🙂

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I know this happens sometimes with almost everyone. This happened with me also and I started thinking that no one understands me but after thinking too much about this I realized that it’s ok. No one can give their whole time to you.

Coming to your relationship I think you should talk to someone about how you are feeling and what you are thinking like everything going in your mind right now. If you are comfortable you can talk to me about this.😊😊


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