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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nobodymuch

Emilia @nobodymuch

Sometimes I don’t feel like being a Christian (Catholic? Idk the deference, something like both idk) I feel to busy and tired to go to church, I feel too piled up with stuff or lazy to just pray or think about god.

I only think of him when I need him and that’s what puts pressure on me because I know that’s bad.

Sometimes I feel like I should just stay away from just everything until I sort my shit out idk get past this rough part in my life where I’m under pressure of school, the future and my mental health is at the “what’s the point” state.

Does anyone know what the hell i should do? Mass is too much adding on school or mentally trying to have days where I’m not in school, I just want to be free and I don’t have mucu faith in god all the time, there are small periods of time where I feel like god really helps me because I know God had helped me pull through the first term of my exam year but I just feel like I can’t handle all these churches, a sacrament I have coming up or just trying to regularly think or believe in god.

I just want to have a free mind from it all idk ugh

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