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Sometimes crying is the best therapy!
Ps- also skin looks really nice after cry session!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @restingrony5
16 replies

Yeaaaa😌 it feels light…

Mai @ririi



Yaa…how’s you doin?


Struggling bt I guess it help to know that people have been through similar stuff and have moved on…so it gives me hope that I can be better!!..this app helps alot


Yea…i can understand…someone left?


Not really…I mean no one is dead bt it’s like my friends are just walking out of my life and fading away…and it just feels very lonely


I kinda have gone through the path you’re passing through…
Just think it as a phase where you are meant to enjoy your own company…
I used to think like that… it worked for me… I think it’ll work with you too…
Wanna share something?


It’s just that sometimes I feel that I am not enough for anyone like they just want more and more … sometimes I just wish someone would understand me , be patient with me and love me…bt I just feel like if I make one mistake then that’s it they hold it against me and make me feel worthless and incapable of change!

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I am sorry that u had to go through something like that…I hope that u are in a better place

Profile picture for Now&Me member @restingrony5

RoChan @restingrony5

Hey… just remember you’re a wholesome being in your own self…just don’t go out looking for it…love your own self and it’ll be followed to you…and if they did so… they don’t deserve you…cause genuine hote to rukte na…
Its okay…its life…ups and downs highs and lows are a part of it…
After all its amor-fati🌸

Mai @ririi

Thank you ☺️


You ar right


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