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Something weird happened in morning, I am having high fever and little blood coming from mouth, Idk what to do. (I don’t want to tell my family).

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justenoughlight
2 replies

Go to a doctor please. And tell your family if it’s serious

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justenoughlight

Sky/Griffin @justenoughlig...

GO TO THE DOCTOR. That is NOT a good combination. PLEASE tell your family, it could be incredibly serious. Healthline says:
"It’s important to contact your doctor anytime you cough up blood, as it may be a sign of a serious respiratory condition.

Get immediate help if:

you begin coughing up blood following a fall or injury to the chest
you cough up more than a few teaspoons of blood
there’s also blood in your urine or stool
you experience:
chest pain
shortness of breath
Call 911 or seek emergency medical attention if you’re coughing up a significant amount of blood, have other symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath, or if the bleeding worsens."


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