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Someone who was absolutely ravenously passionate about me at the start of our relationship has gradually lost that feeling for me. Our emotional intimacy has grown and grown, and we love each other and I can’t imagine my world without him in it. We had a hard conversation last night where I got clarity on where his romantic feelings were for me, and they are more in an a deeply intimate friend place. I am heartbroken but so grateful for the other kinds of intimacy that we do have and want to continue to have. I’ve had relationships in the past where doors have stayed open and people come back around to different feelings, which I hope happens here. I’m patient. I so rarely feel romantically about people. And I was scared that this would happen. And it did. So I’m sitting here feeling so conflicted and deeply deeply sad. I don’t know why I haven’t learned my lesson about letting people into my heart in that way. I keep wondering if the temporary feelings of feeling intensely wanted is worth the pain that the shift in a relationship causes.

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Abhinav sharma @mel09

You know what main issue is…its just you let your doors open easily and connects emotionally.
And thats why it hurts and takes time to heal

Anchal Sharma @blessedmess

That’s so complicated it triggered my past trauma


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