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abc 1234 @edayildrim

someone please help me out. i dont know whom to seek for help.
i am in my 12th RN and I have jee mains in 2 months and i am really bad at problem solving RN i think i have decent iq and i am not a terrible student. i remember details extremely well like things from when i was 4 etc not all of them but ig enough to say that i dont have a bad memory i have always been having trouble with math and i wanted to learn phy and math so i took pcm in 12th and ever since ive joined the pressure of jee and iit didsomething unexplainable to my mind i was constantly underperforming and i sonehow went into a trance idk wtf happened its almost as if i was in a deadly cycle and its november now. i have my notes of 2 years missed a bit here and there but i have all the notes now . over the last 1.5 yrs or so peoples taunts failing expectations of myself and this guy that i liked every single fucking day i only used to think abt him and abt his words i also thought of other stuff but no matter how much i tried i couldnt brush off his thoughts i always imagined whar it would be like if we got married and pursued our dream career and i kept dreaming and dreaming and dreaming. he got into iit and i still kept dreaming. i feel like such an idiot ive tried eveerything to make myself stop thinkiing abt him but in vain ive made concious efforts like slapping myself everytime i thought of him and what not. i never told him anything directly cuz i dont want to date him RN and he definitely does not want to as well. when i asked hom when would he want to date he said he said late 20s the moment my complete focus is on mains but once i gave it a thought my life when i start engg and i did not like it all it felt weird like i dont really see myself enjoying doing math and phy something that i initially planned to do. i feel as if ive made a blunder by choosing pcm i just dont know maybe ill like it id but if i dont i dont know what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @umesh_kum
Profile picture for Now&Me member @radiant_pillow
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @umesh_kum

umesh @umesh_kum

Hey talk to me. I have reached my connection request. I can help you out.

abc 1234 @edayildrim

whats a connection request?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @umesh_kum

umesh @umesh_kum

I can’t reach you personally. I can only add comment here.

abc 1234 @edayildrim


abc 1234 @edayildrim

can you please help me out, please

Profile picture for Now&Me member @umesh_kum

umesh @umesh_kum

Send me connection request. First I have to analyse your situation completely and then suggest you some help. It’s normal to have opposite gender friend or close relationship. But we have to set boundaries for our mental health.


Abe o bhai sahab. Anonymous wale scammers hote hai. Id se baat kr rha hun. Teri tarah darpok nhi hun. aa gye doosre ke fate main anonymous hokar bahkane wale

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @radiant_pillow

It’s reasonable to feel that way , just try to do your best and stop trying to fulfil others expectations . After you are done with your jee it will all feel like a bad dream even if you did well or not.
I did bad in my jee but now I am in collage and everything is fine now I look back and think that I worried over nothing
Ik my future would be better if I did well in jee but now I am working hard and I feel like I have a good future

abc 1234 @edayildrim

thanks a lot

abc 1234 @edayildrim

is it really difficult to do well in life if you do bad in JEE

Profile picture for Now&Me member @radiant_pillow

Yeah ik either you work hard now or after you join collage

abc 1234 @edayildrim

thanks a lot for your advice


Just let me know if you need any help with your studies or anything other thing


do some yoga. that will help.


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